
Vale of tears

 Souls in fear of uncertain but rampant chaos, Where the cities bombed and thousands slew, Houses broken and the valuables robbed, Innocents trafficked and the felony on the rise, Commoners conned and the power misused- Almighty! Where is peace you preach? For love debasing and wars right at the door, Infected minds with greed and hatred at dispersal, Altruism waning and egoism the victorious devil, Compassion at stake and the bliss only a wistful wish, But antipathy even amongst the esteemed Kins, Soulless and callous, havens blemished with vices And enmity on the rise as the blazing fire- God! Where is peace prayed for every day?

”What Am I Doing Here?”

Does this thought ‘ what am I doing here’ ever occur to you? What is its indication? I assume that many people get struck by such question, consciously or unconsciously- be it a relationship you are in, work you do, place you are at, and a situation you are in. The thought pops up in your mind particularly when things turn rough. Everything seems ambiguous and leaves one spaced out with disturbing thoughts and feelings so severe as if carrying the world on one’s shoulder. Physically fatigued and emotionally bogged down, one doesn’t seem to find pleasure in the task at hand. The time spent is meaningless and torpid one becomes all the time. Every day one feels under the weather. There isn’t any odor of joy. It imbues one with an urge to do something crazy or to go to a faraway place in pursuit of peace. It feels like the whole world is against one when such plight comes throbbing your heart. However, it is not a dead end. It is only a rough period of life that passes by. Being ob

Let’s learn to LOVE…

The momentary sight at cremation still has my heart palpitate and fear run down my spines.   A woman was in pain, tears inevitably overflowing her pretty eyes, and I was there dumbfounded, emotionally struck by moaning souls. Grief-stricken, words playing about her stammering tone, the woman has lost her daughter to the death. She is in disbelief that her daughter has now only remained as the corpse, but the grief weighed upon her heart is beyond the imagination of those who experienced no demise of one’s close ones. The more painful sight I witnessed at the spot was the few years old child who has lost her mother at so young age and she doesn’t even know her mother has passed away. I wonder what it would be like to feel when she is grown enough to know that her mother has left the world since she was three. So innocent and bereft of any idea about death, the child was piteously playing with other kids and it pained me even more knowing that she has to confront the worldly affairs

When I'm Gone...

Smile at me with those beautiful lips, Talk to me I insist when I am close, But be careful of words you speak That may stretch us apart and ruin The splendor we see in being us; Like me and ne’er let me weep, And every day I plead make my day And I swear I’ll make yours; Let no fury or disgust swab our smiles, But with harmony let’s our bond be adorned For ephemeral our life is which, I beseech, we shall spend through delight; ‘Cause when I’m gone and no more you'd see me, Unheard your words shall only fade away, Unfelt your warmth shall just cool away And chained-up your rueful soul shall remain. So hide not but bare your heart out, Show that truly you care for me, That you respect and adore me For the person I am, and talk me Into believing every word you say, ‘Cause when I’m gone and you’d miss me, Beyond your reach I’d have gone and Unheard your words shall only fade away, Unfelt your warmth shall just cool away, And chained-

Discovering Self!

With my head laid idly on the spongy pillow and my folded hands rested on my chest, I often dig deep down into my brain in search of answers to the certain significant questions that has been running through the wires of my brain for ages. Frustrated, anxious, and perplexed I have been through, still faint and imprecise the image that I so desire to perceive. It is a total strange to find how difficult it is to understand self and to discover the sole purpose of one’s existence. For more than 20 years I have been breathing and I wonder sometimes what I have been doing all those years for I didn’t spare single a second to know myself. I remember reading stories of fictitious characters, biographies of long dead leaders and pioneers, environments, societies and its inhabitants, and so on, but never me. If any question is asked about me, dumbfounded for sure I would remain. No definite response do I have to give you! Do you want to play football? Fine, let’s do that! I would concede

Hope On

Like the seasonal snowflakes, Pain is fairly short-lived and there is joy to relish soon Like the summer rain, Opportunities in profusion- grasp them accordingly; Like the mighty Mt. Everest, Remain impervious no matter how intense the storm is; You’re the victor since you were in the mother’s womb, Who won the race to the human world; You’re the invincible warrior since childhood, Bold and undefeated, the one who resisted All woes and foes of life and still battling; You’re the joy-giver whose mere existence Brings jovial smiles upon many faces- Don’t let your decision wipe the smile off their faces; You’re the guardian of your life, protect it; You’re the adornment of your life, embellish it; You’re the soul of your life, love it no matter how tough it gets For there is certainly a light at the end of the tunnel!


Believe me I speak of no falsehood, But of sincerity my heart aches for you; Yangdey! The enchanting divine soul, Let no tear fall and fear of denial rule, 'Cause in you I find comfort to my gloom; Appeasing just to look at and to be with, No sorrow my heart knows but the delight Even in precarious unsolicited plight; So pious and angelic, Yangdey you’re! Merely a word or a second span of discourse, Enormous glee you surge me with; Gracious you! Adorable and alluring, Do you spare a second for muggins here? Brooding upon the endearments delivered And pleased at the word of untainted soul; Beautiful Yangdey, the reason I so smile! Hear the amorous soul that yearns for you And feel the warmth my heart radiates for you- ‘Cause you’re, the most beautiful thing ever That makes my heart flutter!